Faculty Profile

Name: Dr. Neetu Parihar
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Hindi
Office No: 0294-2470509, Extn 3202
Email Address: [email protected]
Profile/CV: Detailed Profile
Research Area: Bhakti Movement, Modern Poetry, Hindi Katha Sahitya and others
Research Details

Dr. Neetu Parihar has written 9 Books and 65 Research Papers and Popular Articles which are mainly based on his research interest areas including Bhakti Movement, Modern Poetry, Hindi Katha Sahitya and others.

she is currently working on a co-project funded by MHRD (RUSA) on the topic ‘Folk of Wagad region : Mapping oral traditions’.

So far, 10 Ph.D.’s and 5 M.Phil.’s has been completed under the supervision of Dr. Parihar.
Mohanlal Sukhadia University
Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan, India
EPABX: 0294-2470918/ 2471035/ 2471969
E-mail: [email protected]
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Last Updated on : 29/03/25